Saturday, September 10, 2016

Labor Day

For the week of Labor Day, we are reading about different jobs people do, hunting for jobs we see everyday, and pretending to have different jobs.

We started the week talking about church figures and how they help the people in their church.  We read Patrick: Patron Saint of Ireland.

We read about business owners in The Lorax, Uncle Jed's Barbershop, Daniel Tiger's Nighttime in the Neighborhood, Walter the Baker, and The Sneetches and Other Stories.  We went walking around a shopping center and noted a lot of different businesses.  Genevieve played store owner and sold me different things.  She also played baker and made cake for everyone and became a hairdresser.

We read about entertainers in The Clown of God, Zin Zin Zin a Violin, and The Story of Ferdinand.
We created artwork and cards.  She painted a park at night and a rainbow.  Tobias painted himself.

We talked about daddy's job and read While You Are Away.  We talked about how the military's job is to help keep us safe, like some other community helpers but sometimes that means traveling far from home.  We pretended to be airplanes.

We talked about other community helpers like doctors, mail carriers, firefighters, librarians, and police.  Genevieve pretended to be a doctor.  We read an excellent book for this weeks theme: Clothesline Clues to Jobs People Do.  We also read books like A Fire Drill with Mr. Dill, Police! Hurrying! Helping! Saving! and Firefighters! Speeding! Spraying! Saving!.  We read Clifford visita el hospital, which is a fun book for some Spanish introduction.  Another excellent book for this week was Grandfather's Work, which talked about traditional healing in Nigeria, as well as some other jobs family members might have like bakers, lawyers, doctors, blacksmiths and potters.  Then we were the greatest of community helpers, a superhero.

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